Remember when I snagged this nightstand off Craigslist for Snuggle Bunny's room?
Well, I've been hard at work refurbishing it. Wood purists may want to avert your eyes, because I decided to paint it. I had planned on painting it all along, but after discovering it's pedigree, some of you(including my BFF) were pushing me to just give it a good rub down with some teak oil. In fact, BFF said I should oil it, Ebay it, and roll the profits into a new nightstand. I stuck with my original vision and pulled out the paints.
I started with a good sanding.
Then primed and spray painted it a semi gloss white that matches the trim in SB's room. I used several light coats to keep the paint from running or dripping.
I taped off the handle which I wanted to keep white, so that I could paint the drawer the bright orange color I used in SB's room makeover.
The handle had been a point of contention from the beginning. Before I had seen the nightstand in person, I had planned on painting it and putting a new handle on it. But after handing over the $5 for the nightstand, I realized that the integral recessed handle wouldn't be easily replaced. Debbie over at Debbiedoo's Blogging and Blabbing had suggested that I could use the little recess in the handle to place a cute label. I loved that idea! So I printed off a "Treasures" label. SB loves bringing home little found treasures like "special rocks" and such.
I lined the drawer with some Cat in the Hat wrapping paper that was perfectly coordinated to SB's room.
The shelf underneath the drawer seemed like the perfect place to put a basket or a bin. This bin that I keep his nighttime movies in was a perfect fit.
And here's the finished nightstand.
And a shot from straight on, without the painting dropcloth.
SB loves his new nightstand and has already placed a few treasures in the drawer.
Thanks for popping in and painting with me. I'm linking this up to Room Remix's Paint Party and Between Naps on the Porch's Metamorphosis Monday. And make sure to head over to Debbiedoo's Newbie Party.