
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Look Back at 2011

I had big goals for my home for 2011.  Unfortunately, I didn't get as many of those crossed off the list as I'd have liked, but I did have a pretty productive year.  I tackled organizing and prettifying my shoe closet.

See the before and after here.

I created this sunburst silverware clock for my dining room from some vintage silverware.
Tutorial here.

We took a couple steps closer to calling the kitchen "finished" by completing the cookbook shelves
Tutorial here.

and installing the drawer microwave.
Retrofitted installation here.

The gallery wall got a makeover with the addition of some shelves to make rotating out artwork easier.
Handy dandy instructions & the awesome hubster here.

I transformed a couple of Craigslist finds.  The rec room snack bar dresser got some paint and stain,
See the transformation here.

and my wing back chair got a fun makeover.
See the before here.

Thanks for popping in and looking back with me.  Hope you come along for the new year.


  1. What you did accomplish Marcia has all been fabulous! Happy New year to you and your family. I loved that clock!

  2. You go girl! WOW--seems to me like you've done a LOT!!

    I love the sunburst silverware clock, and those cookbook shelves are AWESOME!


  3. What a cool clock. I have a huge sunshiny clock too--mine comes with some memories. I like the idea of a place for recipe books--must be nice!!

  4. Wow, you got a lot accomplished! I can't wait to see what you have in store for 2012. Happy New Year!

    Kat :)

  5. You sure were industrious...great projects!
    Happy New Year.


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