
Monday, December 26, 2011

Catching up on the Weekend

The boys were super excited to be on break this past Friday and each invited a friend to sleepover.  WD's friend and teammate, Bieber Hair, stayed over. WD & BH spent pretty much the entire day and a half like this:
Sitting together on their laptops.  I don't get it, but they are on vacation.

SB and Princess were kept occupied with the making of a gazillion glittered snowflakes.  I let small children use spray adhesive and glitter, you can only imagine what my floors look like.
Matching hoodies - "We're twins!"

SB & P also helped make biscuits for all of the dogs we know.

The two took turns with each step.  We ended up making 2 kinds of biscuits, Pumpkin Molasses biscuits as well as Peanut Butter biscuits.

They even helped box up and deliver the treats.

Christmas Eve we hosted our friends for our annual "Orphan's Christmas" dinner.  They're from Buffalo and we're from Rochester, but we both like to have our kids wake up in their own beds Christmas morning.  We've been getting together for 8 years now.

Some of the desserts - ignore the crackers, the packages hadn't been put away yet.

It's such a fun tradition.  We always play games like Cranium and the girls always win, though there were some accusations of cheating this year.  I can't help it if I know my friend so well that when she puts down a pointy lump of clay, I can shout out mannequin for the win.

After our friends head home, we put out cookies and milk for Santa and the boys go to bed.  I try to make it in bed before midnight.  The boys were up whispering at 5:30(much later than last year,) and I kept them quiet until almost 6:30 when CG got up.  They're allowed to check out their stockings and Santa gifts on their own, but have to wait for CG to be up to unwrap the other gifts.  The gift opening started in an orderly fashion.

Both boys were really pleased with their gifts.

By 7:30 this is what my living room looked like.  I left that mess for a few hours.  Sometimes a mess is a happy thing.  We spent the day hanging out, trying out the new games, and building Legos.  CG and SB even spent the entire day in their new Christmas pjs.  The perfect low-key Christmas day.

Thanks for popping in and sharing my weekend with me.


  1. Sounds like you all had a wonderful Christmas! That's great! :)

  2. Merry day after Christmas. Looked like a wonderful day in your home Marcia!

  3. Looks, like you had such a wonderful weekend!

  4. It all looks like grand fun!

    My sister-in-law (and her 11 siblings) grew up in Rochester and she and our nieces went to college in Buffalo.

  5. Happy Holidays! It looks like everyone is enjoying their vacation :D

  6. What is it with the Bieber Hair craze!!! Bieber is not even cool. Your sons are lovely. My guy has those same pjs as your big boy. Wishing you a great new year!


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