
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Defining the Hard to Define

Modern Country Style is holding a Define Your Blog Linkup Party.

So how do I define my blog?  I don't.  When people ask what I write about, I usually answer, "Random Stuff."

I post a lot of recipes, all of which are gluten-free.  Several of my all time favorite go-to recipes never needed a gf modification, because they've always been gluten-free like my crowd pleasing Drunken Bacon Wrapped Cheddar Brats(ok, I switched to gf beer, but that's not a tough mod)

or a family favorite, Summer Rolls.

While with other recipes, I've worked hard to create the perfect gf flour blends to create things like my Apple Upside Down Cake

or the Puff Pastry Dough that I use for my Fruit Spread Pastries.

  But I post too many non-food items to ever be considered a food blogger.  And I don't know how I feel about being called a gluten-free blogger, because I think that my recipes can be enjoyed by everyone gluten-free & gluten eaters alike, plus gluten eaters can always substitute for an equal amt of all purpose flour. 

I love to do DIY projects around the house.  We're avid DIYers who did a complete down to the studs DIY remodel of our kitchen which I'll post pictures of someday, but I'm always working on 16 things at once, so each individual project takes a very long time.  One of my most popular posts has been my DIY Lego Table,

and our DIY Liquor Hutch with the private Cat Box got rave reviews. 

Still, with those types of projects taking ages to finish, I don't post anywhere near enough of them to be considered a DIY blogger.

I like to do crafts like these Knitted Butterfly Embellishments, and

sewing & fabric projects like these fun Rose covered Pillows.

And I LOVE to do crafts to help decorate for holidays like my Valentine's Paper Love Birds, or

But I don't churn out craft projects every day like the craft bloggers do.  I suppose you could call me a mommy blogger, except I very rarely discuss anything remotely resembling child rearing.  My boys make the occasional appearance on my blog, but they're certainly not central to it.

pic from last summer before WD cut the shagginess back to a buzz

So after all that explaining and defining, I guess I'm back to "Random Stuff."

Thanks for popping in and listening to more randomness.  If you'd like to see how other bloggers are defining their spaces in blogland go visit Modern Country Style's party.


  1. I really like your definition of your blog. It sounded like a pretty good definition of me. I guess I wasn't trying to narrow people down to one or two categories but more was wondering how YOU see your own blog through your eyes...and you've answered it perfectly!


  2. All I know is that I ♥ your blog!!! Whatever the subjuct is each day, I think it's great, and I'm so glad I found it!

    Have a great day!

  3. I always enjoy reading your blog. Randomness is a good thing. Variety is nice!

  4. I love your blog because you post on a variety of topics. Some blogs are tempting to look at the pictures and move on. Yours, on the other hand, are always unique and interesting. Why does a blog need a defined style? Blogging is for fun!

  5. I like this and that is how I defined my blog. I love reading and writing about different things that I come across and it is fun to see different parts of peoples creativity. I LOVE your hutch with the kitty box, I am so going to check that out!

  6. You have a very lovely blog.It has great personality..and most of all youve got lovely kids!

  7. Random is great. Variety and all that - you know, spice of life etc etc.


  8. Loved this post when I read it this morning, and had to skip off and make a post for the party immediately! I had a great time, and I loved reading the other links....thanks for the direction for today!

  9. This is why I had trouble starting my blog, and especially with titling it and creating the heading. I have too many random things to share about, and didn't want to stick to just food or just projects. I like blogs like ours and so many others that are about LIFE.


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