
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Outdoor Tea Time

It's officially summer.  I realize the summer solstice was last week, but summer doesn't actually start until both kids are out of school.  Yesterday was the first day of having SB home on what would have been a school day.  Summer means entertaining outdoors, so I made a simple runner down the middle of the table with some bamboo placemats, and put out some fun fruit plates.  I love these bavarian dishes that used to belong to CG's great aunt.  Underneath them are some ironstone dishes that I snagged from HomeGoods.

When it's hot, our tea of choice is iced sweet tea & lemon.  I served this in my amber cut glass pitcher last seen filled with peonies here.

The iced tea glasses were these collectible Pom glasses.  I loved the glasses so much, that I had to buy a Pom juice everytime I was at the grocery just for the glass.

You can't have a high tea without some tea sandwiches.  These are served on a Limoges tray.

There were also fresh homemade doughnuts,

blueberry muffins, and chocolate doughnut holes.

I kept this tablescape pretty simple, because this is who was enjoying the high tea:  SB

and his best friend, the Princess.  Yay, to the first day of summer and 2 more months of swimming, playing, and goofing off.
Yes, she has lettuce in her teeth, but she was also very appreciative of the "fancy" meal.
Incidentally the Princess asked what I was doing when I was taking pics of the iced tea, and I responded, "I'm taking pictures for my blog."  SB piped in with, "Yeah, she does that a lot."

Thanks for popping in and having tea with me & the kids.


  1. What a neat, sweet post! I ♥ it!!! That tea made my mouth looks so good and refreshing. Seeing as it's a million degrees here in Vegas right now, that would totally hit the spot :)
    Glad you guys are enjoying your summer!

  2. Cute! My mom loves to go to high tea but doing it at home seems even sweeter. I think we will plan this for her birthday next year!! :) The kids look like they had a blast...damn you and those doughnuts. You know I am going to have to make them now!!

  3. So adorable!! Your kids are so cute and having a blast, I love kids and good looking like pretty mama! I love ice tea and the cut glass pitcher is gorgeous, the doughnuts are catching too much my attention! yummy!, love the pretty platter. I love high tea! Thanks for dropping by and for the lovely and generous comments. Have a nice time. Love, FABBY

  4. How nice! Those donuts look SO yummy! I'm sure this is a memory your kids will cherish.

  5. You made your own doughnuts??? You are one awesome mom! My kids finish school tomorrow. Let the wild rumpus begin.

  6. Aww your kids look simply adorable! Lovely summery tea table... I love that beautiful plate stand and that gorgeous pitcher looks amazing in every tablescape. The limoges tray looking sooo pretty. I spot your mouth-watering doughnuts and the tea sandwiches look yummy... kids are enjoying them. You have set up a beautiful and fun tea table. Thanks for sharing with us!~Poppy

  7. I love the POM glasses! And may I have a doughnut, pleas?

  8. Great idea having a tea party. I get lots of those taking picture comments. The family are used to it but sometimes I try to do it on the sneaky if we have people over and I get some funny looks. Oh well, you have to get the shot, right?? I thnk wer'e all crazy bloggers lol.

  9. I couldn't believe it when I looked at your first photo. I have a set of those bavarian dishes, including the exact one that's in the upper right of the photo! My German-Canadian great aunts gave them to me as birthday gifts sometime in the seventies. Now you've got me curious - do you know anything about these plates?

  10. Your dishes are so pretty. And they do say summer all by themselves. Your runner idea is wonderful. Love the precious prince and princess.. Happy Fourth, Many blessings, Marlis

  11. visiting from BNOTP ... wonderful setting!! and your afternoon guests brought a smile to my day ... don't we all take photos of things around the house?? lol.... wishing you a fabulous day...HHL


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