
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week in Review

After a Spring Break week that both the kids and I thoroughly enjoyed, they'll be heading back to school Monday morning, and I will be back to posting on a regular basis.  I hadn't planned on the blogging break, but sometimes you just have to put the camera down, step away from the computer, and enjoy your kids.  Here's some of what we've been up to during our week off.  Our in-laws are getting ready for the cottage expansion project by taking down a few trees.  The chain saws were buzzing for most of 2 days.

The boys helped with branches, and WD stacked logs.

We had a roaring fire going for days.

Maybe a little too big.

In between all the tree related work, we still found time to dye eggs,

and stage an egg hunt.

SB practiced his swing in preparation for the little league season starting up,

WD had 2 lacrosse games this week.

Wednesday, his team fought a very good Horseheads team as well as some crazy weather.  It rained, snowed, and hailed during that game all with bracing wind gusts.  At halftime, the ref said, "If this was baseball, I would have called it 20 minutes ago."  With SB deciding he likes baseball over lacrosse, I only have a couple more years of freezing on the sidelines.  No pictures from that game, because I was sitting at the scoring table as a spotter.  2 days later he played a home game that was a lot easier on the spectators.  We like 70 and sunny.
seton game

Our hyacinths are finally blooming.  Because of our home's elevation, we have to wait a little longer to see spring blooms.  I cut a bunch to bring inside and the smell is just heavenly.

I took SB and the Princess to the zoo and Story Garden during their week off.  Even with a broken arm, P decided they were going to be "miners."

And no week around here would be complete without some dessert.  Here's the fruit tart and fruit salad that I brought to a barbecue yesterday.  I love making fresh fruit salads for warm summery days when I may be drinking a few too many calorie-laden beverages.

Thanks for popping in and spending spring  break with us.


  1. Fun all around pictures!! you are busy!

  2. Sounds like you had a fun family filled Spring Break. You guys have sure been busy!
    That fruit tart is beautiful and looks so yummy!
    Here's to a great week ahead! :)

  3. Looks like a great time! Ummm yeah dont sit on that chair or you'll be on an even longer blog break, lol!

  4. Oooh how pretty is that fruit tart?
    Sounds like you had a great week of family time.....good for you for stepping away from the blog for a bit....the years are short with those cute kiddos!

  5. Lots of fun. I'm glad you took the time to enjoy it.

    What kind of trees are those? Looks like something wonderful. Will they get them milled?


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