
Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Have you ever come across something so unexpected that set your mind running?

Here in NY, we pay a nickel deposit on every water bottle or soda/beer can or bottle.  With the cost of materials skyrocketing, we can take our bottles and cans to a redemption center for 6 cents back on every bottle or can.  On my last trip to the redemption center, I noticed an A-frame on the edge of the parking lot.  There was a broken slab of granite on the one side, a neutral slab behind it,

And this gorgeous slab of granite on the other side.  Love the movement in this one.  Yes, that is miscellaneous garbage surrounding this A-frame of granite slabs.

Weird, right?  I had to quickly redeem my bottles, and rush off to WD's lacrosse game, but I couldn't stop thinking about the granite.  What was it doing no where near a stone yard, in a parking lot surrounded by trash?  Could one of the broken pieces be a good fit for the hutch we're building?(I'd need to pick up a diamond blade and some polishing wheels for our grinder)  Who would I ask about the granite?  If they're abandoned or crazy fire sale prices, do I need to invent a reason to use the one with movement?  

So what do you all think?  Should I run back over there and ask some questions?


  1. Never hurts to ask...? As long as you're prepared for the strong temptation to get something you may not need. Can you use it? Might you use it in the future? Is it really a reasonable DIY project? If you can use it, sure, ask as many questions as you need to. That white piece really is nice.

  2. I think you should run like the wind back there! Get over there and most definitely ask if you can have it. YOU are the queen of creativity and will totally find a use for it! Can't wait to find out what you do! :)

  3. I agree with Jen, run, there now!!!!

  4. Well????? Was that just other 'trash' & do you need help picking it up? :)
    tee hee!!!
    in downtown now and have my truck! :)



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