
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Book 'Em

I've been sharing our progress on our new bookshelves here and here.  We need the new bookshelves, because our book situation has definitely gotten out of hand.  I'll be weeding through our books as part of my efforts to get rid of 40 bags in 40 days, but I also used a few of our no longer needed books for a fun craft project, Book Vases.

It'll be fun to decorate the new bookshelves with these.  They started as old college texts.  It's been quite some time since CG and I were in college, and I doubt they'll be of any use to our boys, since texts change almost yearly(huge money racket, but that's a rant for another day.)

I pulled off the covers.  This is easier done with a paperback, but not too difficult with a hardcover either.  I sketched a fluid half vase shape, and cut it out.  This process would be super easy on a bandsaw, but for those of us without a full wood shop, scissors will do just fine.  Just cut a dozen sheets at a time, checking every now and again to make sure that your silhouette hasn't gone too far off course.

A little bit of hot glue

 and some finessing of the pages, and you have a fun art piece.

Thanks for popping and and crafting with me.
Home Stories A2ZTuesday To Do Party


  1. Book vases?! Coolest idea EVER! I ♥ how they turned out!

  2. Those are so cute! I know what you mean about college books becoming obsolete. I'm begging my hubby to get rid of boxes of them. I think he may agree before our next move. We've carried them around for years! Your bookshelves look like they'll be amazing too. Can't wait to see the finished project.

  3. Those look very good and make a great repurpose. You are so clever. We've unloaded so many books this year. I make a list, cart them to the library and take the tax deduction. We still have too many. OTOH, given that people download to read now and don't collect books it makes me feel good to have some. Thanks for stopping by. Jane

  4. Gorgeous. You did a great job at these. They will look fabulous on your book shelves.

    I am actually coming to your site re. the Follower linky blog hop. I WILL BE FOLLOWING YOU *** WILL YOU FOLLOW ME BACK ? Thank you so much when you do.

    There is also a link party on our blog, where you can feature 'your best creative work'. There are some great projects to see already, but we want to see your work!

    This url is both to FOLLOW and to PARTY:

    Hope to seeing you around!!
    Have a happy, creative day!


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