
Saturday, September 17, 2011

I Do Believe in Faeries, I Do, I Do

There have been many sightings of the Fairy Hobmother around blogland.  She's been flitting around granting wishes here, there, and everywhere.  The thing about fairy tales is that they're so hard to believe, but I'm here to tell you that this one is true.

The Fairy Hobmother had visited Debbie over at Debbiedoos Blogging and Blabbing.  I had left a wish in the comments for an upturn in the economy.  Her magic wand wasn't big enough for that kind of a wish, but she was able to *poof* me an Amazon gift card!  How amazing is that.

If you'd like a chance to have the Fairy Hobmother stop by, just share a wish in my comments.


  1. Oh, I'm glad the Fairy Hobmother found you. I've been wishing, too, but mine were a little more selfish. They were all about me! What I'd like now is a DVD burner - if there is such a thing. My nephew is paying to convert my parents' old VHS tapes to DVD. More copies are expensive so I'd like to buy a burner to make copies for the 7 grandchildren. (I'm assuming there is such a thing. If not, then I will need the Fairy Hobmother to invent one for me. hehehe) Thanks for the chance.

  2. NO way! The fairy hobmother visited two of you already from that fairy post. Congrats girl, I am very happy, you deserve it!

  3. Wow, you deserve a little fairy dust! Congratulations and have fun. We are blessed to be in a comfortable place at this point in our lives. Our son and daughter-in-law sold all their belongs and moved to Germany late this spring. They furnished their apartment IKEA furniture on sale, so it is quite sparse. Both are musicians in grad school and looking for work. I wish i could give them a set of good stereo speakers for recording and playing back music. The built-in computer speakers are not good enough for that use.

  4. Congratulations! You do deserve good things.

  5. That's so cool! I wish that my mom could find a job.

  6. Happy weekend to you! I tagged you in a fun game on my blog, I hope you'll play along! But no worries if you can't :)

  7. Congrats, I had received one, too and looks like we both wish for the same thing.

  8. I don't know anything about the Fairy Hobmother, but I'm sure gonna click on that link to see what she's all about! I wish for a dslr camera. Ok ok that's a little pricey, I know :) I wish for some kitchen gadgets like a round cake pan, or a square baking dish, or an ice cream maker.


Finding your comments in my mailbox makes me all tingly inside, so thanks for commenting!