
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pineapple Upside Down Cake - The Cocktail

Gerry at Foodness Gracious is holding a cocktail party, and I absolutely had to join in.
How cute is his party button?  Yes I know it's the Family Guy dog, that's why I think it's funny.

2 of my absolute favorite indulgences are dessert and vodka, so is it any wonder that I'm sharing a dessert flavored martini?  I've shared my Pineapple Upside Down Cake recipe here, now get ready for all that goodness in a glass.

Shake 1 oz Pinnacle Cake Vodka with 2 oz pineapple juice and some ice in a cocktail shaker.  Strain into a martini glass and garnish with a maraschino cherry.  So easy.  I'm actually pouring a double here, because the glass is so ginormous.

Everybody's been buzzing about Pinnacle Whipped Vodka, which is super yummy, but Cake is their lesser known but still just as awesome flavor.

Every good cocktail party should have a bit of mingling, and getting to know you.  So here are some things you didn't know about me.  I recently started P90X(all that vodka and desserts were starting to take a toll.)  I, at the advanced age of way too old, can still do a split.  In all the years I've lived with my husband, I've only cleaned a toilet once - that's his domain. 

Thanks for popping in and drinking with me.  Now go visit Gerry's blog.  He has the most amazing food photography and terrific recipes.  And don't forget to come back Thursday for my monthly Before Blogging Party.
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  1. You crack me up! Way to go on the splits AND only cleaning the toilet go girl!!
    That drink sounds SOOO GOOD! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Hilarious post. I have never heard of Pinnacle Vodka. Going to liquor store now to see if it is even something we can get here. Thanks for the tip.

  3. Oh, this sounds like an outstanding drink...I'll save a copy and try it out on company. YUM!

  4. Funny post...made me smile..wish I could mix up one of those tonight!

  5. That martini was really popular at the bar where I worked, but I know they made it differently... just can't remember how!

    Umm... how do you do that toilet thing? I made that my husband's domain years ago, but he has a much lower standard for cleanliness as far as toilets go, so I end up doing it myself most of the time.

    Good luck with P90x! I did that for a while, but found it so time consuming that I eventually gave up. It's a fantastic workout, though... If you ever want something that still feels very effective but is much shorter, try 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels - I still use that quite frequently!

  6. yum, this definitely seems like "goodness in a glass!"

  7. Looks delish...and I see you have been on a Royal Carribean cruise, too!

  8. I never heard of this vodka - Ill need to look for it and try this recipe - sounds yummy! I am doing P90X too - and obviously not sticking to the diet part ;)

  9. Thank you so much for stopping by Cast Party Wednesday last week. I really appreciate you sharing your recipe with us. I hope you will join us again for another awesome party filled with yummy recipes.
    Thanks Again!


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