
Friday, May 13, 2011

Potatoes & Parsnips au Gratin

When asked what he'd like for dinner, Snuggle Bunny will answer one of 2 things - either noodles or "flat potatoes."  He's kind of a starch fiend.  He loves my "flat potatoes" so much that they're a given as a side dish for any large dinner, and sometimes show up on the table just because.  I couldn't even grab a pic of the unsliced casserole dish, because he was jumping up & down, clapping, and shouting, "flat potatoes, flat potatoes."  So here they are my Potatoes and Parsnips au Gratin aka Flat Potatoes.

I start by peeling and slicing 7ish white potatoes and 2 parsnips on my mandolin.  I place a layer of potatoes in a buttered 9x13 pyrex casserole dish.

And sprinkle on a handful of whatever cheese I have on hand.  Cheddar, gouda, mozzerella, parmesan - it doesn't really matter.  I use a mix of several cheeses.

I follow this up with another layer of potatoes, another layer of cheese, followed by a layer of parsnips which will be smaller discs.  I love the extra flavor kick that parsnips give this dish.

More cheese, more potatoes, cheese, parsnips, cheese, potatoes, cheese, potatoes, and still more cheese.  If you're counting, that's 5 layers of potatoes and 2 of parsnips, but just layer until you run out of sliced veg.  Add enough milk or half & half to the casserole dish to come up 2/3 of the way up the potatoes, and dot the top with 1 tbsp of butter.

Bake for an 50 minutes at 350.  So much better than boxed.

Thanks for popping in and cooking with me.  I'm linking up to Gluten-Free Homemaker's Gluten-Free Wednesdays.
PermanetPosies.comTuesday Night Supper ClubHearth and Soul Hop at the Alternative Health and NutritionPhotobucket


  1. Yea, blogger is back and just in time to see your fabulous flat potatoes, I would be jumping up and down too!


  2. Looks too good..

    New to ur space and Happy to follow u !

    Do visit me as time permits !

  3. Not sure I've ever had parsnips! I'm never sure how much liquid to add. 2/3 up the potatoes is a nice rule of thumb.

  4. Such a comforting dish .. i could eat that everyday for dinner :) Thanks for sharing it with hearth and soul hop!

  5. Ummm... that looks so good. Just stopping by from Made from Scratch Tuesday and I wanted to invite you to my Iron Chef Challenge the themed ingredient this month is ham. Link up a recipe and you'll have a chance to win a prize. Hope you can join in the fun!!!

  6. I thought I already commented on this....but don't see it. Must have not actually posted it after I wrote it. I remember this because I love to cook with a combination of root veggies and particularly love parsnips and turnips with potatoes. Course.....cheese makes anything taste good, right?


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