
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Chilling Part II

Part of organizing a refrigerator, is maximizing the space inside of it.  Our new frig has nice big door bins that can fit a couple gallon sized jugs, and a nifty can dispenser that can be used in conjunction with a 12-pk of sodas.

That's a pretty nifty organizing tool that keeps beverages right in the door for easy access.  Unfortunately it led to a bit of wasted space on the left side of the can dispenser.

I moved one of the full bins down to the bottom of the door, and tried to move the can dispenser up to the top. (We don't generally keep soda in the house, but we do drink beer.)  I say try, because it was a no-go.  Do you see where the sidewall thickness narrows towards the bottom of the door?  It's subtle, but definitely narrower.  Here's a closeup.

Why?  Who knows.  All I know is that I wanted that can organizer at the top.  So out came the Dremel.  We used a cutting wheel and a sanding cone.  Those would be CG's manly, but well manicured, hands.

And here's the new look to the door with no wasted space.  Much better.

Thanks for popping in and DIYing with me.  I'm linking this up to Between Naps on the Porch's Metamorphosis Monday.


  1. Clever! And very creative too! Hope it works ell for you! XO, Pinky

  2. OK...thanks for the incentive. Even cleaning mine would be an improvement.

  3. Okay, I kind of hate you for this post because now the wasted space in my door is bugging me. ;)

  4. By the way, that's the SAME fridge as mine!

  5. Why can't the engineers who design these things do as good a job as you did?


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