
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Making Lists & Checking them Twice

I've mentioned before that we eat gluten-free to help with Whirling Dervish's ADHD.  The diet has really helped a lot with the hyperactivity, impulsivity, and combativeness.  But I know the college years are looming, and he needs to be able to function even when he's had a beer or eaten an oreo.  One of the ways that I stay on track(the ADHD apple didn't fall far from this never diagnosed tree) is making lists.  I write daily to-do lists, party to-do lists, DIY task lists, and keep spreadsheets on everything.  My camping spreadsheet is the stuff of legend.

Everybody who has ever camped with us laughs at the list, but when someone needs q-tips or clorox wipes or a dustpan, I have them.  With our annual Memorial Day weekend camping trip coming up, it was time to pull out the list.  I take an inventory of everything, and restock boxes.

Everything gets a good scrub, and the cast iron pans get reseasoned.

You'll see MedKit under HBA on the camplist, but the MedKit actually has it's own separate list.  We like to be ready for everything.  Cuts, burns, hayfever, indegestion, ankle sprain - check, check, check, check, check - we've got you covered.

This tacklebox MedKit goes with us everywhere, not just camping.  You never want to rely on your host or the hotel having children dosages of allergy meds or fever reducers.  With 2 active boys, you never know when you might need a finger splinted or some topical lidocaine, and here in the northeast having a tick remover handy is always a good idea.  Here's some of the things you can't see packed in the bottom of the tackle box.

Thanks for popping in and organizing with me.  Am I alone in list-making?  Do you guys wing it on trips, or do you have a system for remembering everything?  Let me know how you handle going out of town.  And don't forget to come back Thursday for my Before Blogging Party.
Tip Junkie handmade projects


  1. That is awesome! Truly is...I am glad the gluten free helps out with the symptoms of ADHD.

  2. You know, my son doesn't have ADHD but does have a tendency to let his mind wander and I do also find that going wheat free at times helps. It's so darn hard with kids though huh? The list! I'm stunned and amazed. I should have brought you camping with me for 2 weeks. I thought I was organized but you are the queen!

  3. Wow... your list is incredible. When we go camping this summer, I hope to be half as organized!

  4. I'd be interested in a list of what's in your tackle box med kit so I can make my own! Please share!

  5. Love the list! You are the woman!! Have fun camping!
    Thanks for linking this up to my Organizing Mission link party.

  6. Wow. I think you should do more how-to organize posts. You're insanely great at it!

    (I'm constantly making lists, too. The problem? Once they're complete, I never reference them again.)


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