
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Life and Blogging

I've had a few e-mails wondering how I've been doing, since it's been a while since I've posted, and I'm happy to say that everything is going great around here.  It turns out that life has gotten in the way of blogging, which is such a better statement than blogging got in the way of life.  I'd much rather report that endless hours at the pool have put a crimp in my screen time, instead of telling my kids that "mommy just has to finish this post."

Along with lots of pool time, there's been some water balloon action,
water balloons

and exhausted kids at the end of the day.

I haven't stopped baking or creating, but my camera hasn't captured the step-by-steps needed for a tutorial. I did snap a pic of this strawberry crepe cake that I made the other day.  It's made like my chocolate crepe cake, only without the cocoa powder, and using a strawberry mousse.
Crepe Cake

I hope to find time to share some projects, but I make no promises, because there's a finite number of summers available and the pool is calling.

Thanks for popping in and bearing with the sporadic posting.


  1. Glad you have the right mind set about summer and kids. It looks like everyone is having a ball.
    That cake looks soooooooooooo good, too.

  2. Enjoy your summer with your kiddos! You have the right priorities!

  3. So glad you are having a fun Summer so far! By the way, that cake looks SO YUMMY!

  4. So true......"life getting in the way of blogging", love it!!! It happens to me all the time. Enjoy the time and see u when u get back!

  5. How cute are those sleepy heads??? I know that I forget to take shots of the fun things going on but life is not just one big blog...still photos are great memories.

  6. I hope your Summer is awesome....Life is way better than blogging.

  7. So glad you're enjoying summer with the family!

  8. Life definitely is more important than blogging (OMG I wrote jogging first LOL), especially those early years. You'll have plenty of time when the nest is empty! Enjoy your summer. Jane

  9. You go girl! I hear ya, I have been a terrible blogger this summer, but I have no guilt..I am enjoying my boys being home. Enjoy, sure looks like you are.

  10. This is such a great post!! I love that you are making the most of summer ... and that crepe cake looks awesome!! Sounds like a happy household. :)

  11. Looks like you and your family are having a really blessed fun Summer!!

  12. I'm glad you're having a great summer! That crepe cake looks delicious with strawberries. Hope to see a bit more of you once the summer wanes. ;)


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