
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Who Let the Girl's Out?

Way back in high school and college, the words "Road Trip!" were a fairly frequent occurrence.  I'd turn to a friend, shout the announcement, we'd throw some clothes in a backpack, and hit the road.

That was before husbands, kids, obligations, the crazy time suck that is kids' sports, bills, etc. and back then the price of gas was hovering around $1.  I realize that my younger readers are shocked, but back when I started driving, gas was less than a buck a gallon.  In New York.  Land of the super high gas taxes.  
Image via

Well this past weekend I had my first girls' weekend in approximately forever.  Instead of the spur of the moment announcement of yesteryear, it started with a save-the-date months ago.  And instead of a bikini and some underwear thrown in a backpack, we had actual luggage.

We left at 5 in the morning to arrive in time to see my friend's daughter, we'll call her Fred, compete in the steeplechase.  It's a grueling race, a 3K with hurdles and a water pit, and this was Fred's first collegiate steeple.

We scooped her from the track meet and went to the Baltimore Inner Harbor for food, shopping, and drinks.

After several hours of shopping, we headed to Fred's boyfriend's lacrosse game.  A lacrosse game may seem anachronistic on a girls' weekend, but we are a couple of lax moms.

We followed this up with a late dinner at a crab shack and several more drinks.  You'll notice there are no pics here.  Did I mention the drinks?

We spent all of Sunday shopping(no pics, somebody may have been hungover) and didn't make it back home again until the kids were in bed.  Here are a few of my thrifty shopping finds.  I picked up both of these ceramic pots and the pretty wire basket for $12 for all 3.

I'm thinking about using the wire basket in my master bath to hold towels.

As it turns out, I am entirely too old for girls' weekend road trips.  I spent all of yesterday exhausted, and am only just now recovered.  Thanks for popping in and road tripping with me.

http://www.thethriftyhome.comThe Shabby Nest

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