
Sunday, January 22, 2012


We have snow, real snow, not just a little dusting that disappears as soon as you step in it.

We spent hours playing in the snow yesterday.  The sleds and snowboards were dusted off.

We brought along some friends.  SB and the Princess climbed up that hill about a million times.

WD and the Tank got in a good amount of "kid" time, too.  I love it when the 15 yr olds act like their still little.

And I did my best to attack the holiday pounds with some cross-country skiing.

I'd like to have gotten out and enjoyed the snow today, too, but I had a playoff cake to make.

That's Justin Tuck knocking the ball out and the helmet off of Alex Smith.  Heading to a playoff party.  Thanks for popping in playing in the snow with me.

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