
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This Year's Tree

2 weekends ago, we trekked out to Kretzmer's tree farm to bag ourselves the perfect tree.  I shared pics of our tree hunt last year here.  This year we had warmer weather(no snow,) so the kids weren't as bundled, and my camera went on strike, so you'll get this pic of WD(whose arm is not in a sling this year) horsing around on a tree stump karate kid style.

And this pic of my BFF in front of the barn, both taken with my camera phone.  Your eyes aren't playing tricks on you.  That sign is right.  $20 for any tree, even the ginormous one we bring home every year.

Our tree sat naked for much longer than usual, because our lives got in the way, but tonight we carved out the time to decorate it.  For reference on height, that's an 8 ft ladder that SB is on.

We collect gold plated brass ornaments everywhere we go.  Cinderella's coach at Disneyland, the space shuttle at the Smithsonian, etc.

This means that every year gold appears on our tree.  Last year our tree was red and gold with popcorn and cranberry garland.

And this year, it's silver and gold.

And here it is all lit up.

Thanks for popping in and checking out our tree.  I'm linking this up to Thrifty Decor Chick's Christmas Tree Party.
holiday open house button


  1. Looks like a fun time was had by all picking out your tree--how fun!

    Love the tradition you have with your ornaments....very cool!

    Your tree looks real nice. :)

  2. It is big and I mean BIG! You have done a wonderful job decorating it, great job!

  3. Very pretty...and very tall! Merry Christmas!

  4. Wow! Your tree is gorgeous! Going to the tree farm is such a fun tradition. I thought of you the other day when my younger son decided to stop swimming and take up lacrosse. We are curious to see how he likes being hit with a stick :)

  5. It's beautiful, love the rustic tree and the skirt, too.


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