
Monday, December 12, 2011

Fa La La La La

I love to fill my home with music at Christmas.  I'm one of those people with a zillion Christmas albums.  That's right, I said albums, not 400 songs on my iPod.  With that in mind, I thought I'd make a sheet music wreath.

These are so simple to make, that I'm thinking about putting one in each window.  I started with some old sheet music.  I'm lucky enough to have an enormous stash(3 suitcases full) of very old sheet music with yellowing edges, but you could use new and tea stain them.

I rolled each sheet into a cone and hot glued the edge.  This can be done in front of the tv.

I glued some sheet music to a cardboard circle,

and glued the cones around the circle adding a layer on top of the base layer, and another layer of half sheet cones on top of that.  I made a ruffled circle to cover up the center of the wreath with some more sheet music and hung the whole thing by hot gluing a ribbon to the back.

I'm debating on whether or not to glitter the edges of the cones.  It is Christmas after all, and who doesn't like some sparkle.

Thanks for popping in and crafting with me.
Catch a Glimpse ButtonSomewhat Simple


  1. My daughter started something like this! Looks great! Three suitcases full! Wow! Lots of potential creativity there!

  2. I have got to give this a try because I love them!


  3. I love this idea. Thanks for the tutorial!


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