
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Before Blogging Throwback Thursdays - Halloween

It's time again for our monthly Before Blogging Throwback Thursdays party.  Sorry about skipping last month's party, but the flood & flood cleanup really kicked my tail.  Read more about it here.  I can't wait to see what you all bring to the party.  This month I'm sharing some pictures from past Halloweens.  I've only been bloggin for a year, but in that time have had about 20 posts labeled Halloween.  It's the time of year when adults can dress up, play pretend, and act silly.  Here's CG and I way back in 1999 dressed as Obi Wan and Darth Maul.  Sorry for the grainy pic, but it's pretty old.

When we moved down here, we started throwing a Halloween party for Whirling Dervish's friends.  It's a party that's evolved each year.  At one time we had good old fashioned apple bobbing as one of the games.
It turns out that apple bobbing is disgusting.  The water gets all yucktastic from makeup and spit.

Back before our kitchen remodel, we had a small table in the kitchen, and had a gypsy fortune telling station set up with an older neighborhood kid as the fortune teller.  I remember that being a fun activity that we'll bring back this year.  We'll have to set that up at our bar stool peninsula seating.

Eventually SB was born, and the party had to evolve even more.  Here he is as a viking baby.  I remember how excited I was when the little viking hat fit.  I had sewn his costume, and there was no stretch to the faux leather, so it needed to be a good fit on the first try.

His room had formally been cleaned out of furniture for the party, but now we had to use the crib and rocker recliner as part of the decor.  We chained up a ghoul in his crib and another in the chair as part of the mad scientists laboratory.

Now with the party being for SB's friends, it's still changing, and it's fun being able to go to the past for some recycled ideas.

Now it's time for you all to share something you did, bought, or created Before Blogging.  Don't forget to grab a party button for your post.

Sugar and Spice in the land of Balls and Sticks Before Blogging Throwback Thursdays


  1. Looks like fun - I'll have to search for pictures, so I might not make this party. But I'll check back to see what others post.

  2. Thanks for stopping by for a visit to my blog. This looks like fun. I have to look and see what I can find to post here.

  3. Hi
    Well just wrote a quick blog about my before blogging. Hopefully it's okay. Thank you for your kind words on my blog and for the invite. I'm also following you now.

  4. Your Halloween parties look like such fun. I love the Viking hat!

  5. This is fun! I'm going to linkup an older post, so sorry no button ~ next time!

    I love your old pics! Apple bobbing is gross (even without the makeup) when you think about it lol!

    Thanks for hosting :)

  6. Love the photos! You really know how to throw a party!!! It takes imagination to incorporate a baby crib and rocker into a Halloween theme ;P

    I was just thinking about your party this morning as I was digging around in the attic and found something neat to share. I linked my "crazy hand-painted diamond walls" this month so I guess I will be sharing my find at the next party.

  7. go all out for Halloween! Super cool stuff :) I love the little fortune teller cool!

  8. Checking for some before blog, crafts or pictures. Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog and the party invite. I'm now following you!

  9. Oh what a fun tradition to carry on year after year!! Wow, I have never blogged about pre-blogging, that would be tons of fun and tons of horrid pictures LOL!


  10. You sure seem to have had some fun Halloween parties! Thanks for visiting my blog and inviting me to your pre-blog party--I was able to join in!

  11. That sounds like a really fun party! I just love that first burst of cold weather to have people over. Halloween is the perfect time for that. It's been years since I've seen apple bobbing!

  12. Looks like fun times in the past!! Thanks for hosting a linky party & inviting me! I'm your newest follower!

  13. Hi, Thanks for inviting me to participate in this linky party...and I hope to get the chance to do so before time runs out, since I have tons of projects that I had done prior to blogging...and now that I am blogging, can't seem to find the time to get a single one finished! LOL I am now following you! :)


Finding your comments in my mailbox makes me all tingly inside, so thanks for commenting!