
Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Tisket, A Tasket

*Don't forget to enter my giveaway here*

I read a lot of blogs, and some of my favorite posts are the curbside find posts.  It always amazes me what terrific stuff is being rescued from the landfills.  I often see things on the curb that I want to grab, but I'm usually running late, and by the time I get back, the piece of furniture or whatever is gone.  Well the other day, I was returning from Target with WD when I passed by a curb laden down with garbage bags and miscellaneous stuff.  I spied a Lego box that needed further inspection, as well as a picnic basket that was begging to come home with me.

WD begged me not to stop, and slunk down in his seat.  The legos turned out to be Duplos(the big toddler version) so I left them for someone else.  The basket came home with me.  It's a great size with a latch and some sturdy handles.

The inside is a padded fabric with straps for silverware and plates.  The plates were missing and one of the straps broke loose, but could easily  be repaired.

The basket itself is insulated.  How cool is that?

WD saw me taking pics, and asked if I was posting this.  I replied yes, and he said, "But people will think we're pickers!"  I had to remind him that my friends think recycling is cool, and his 14yo friends don't read my blog.  So what do you think?  Was it worth stopping and completely mortifying my teenager?  Do you stop for curbside finds?  I'd love to know.  Incidentally, I think he'll be fine once we picnic at the park with cold drinks & snacks.

Thanks for popping in and picking with me.  I'm linking up to Southern Hospitality's Thrifty Treasures, Chic on a Shoestring's Flaunt it Friday and Just a Girl's Show and Share Day.
Stuff and NonsenseThe Shabby Nest
The Thrifty Groove


  1. Yes, great find! I want to see more!! I am like you when I see something...or usually see stuff when I'm in my small car then have to beg my husband to come with me in his truck. I got a pretty neat vintage chair that I re-covered the seat. I never thought to post it. I also picked up a couple of vinyl strapped lounge chairs for the lanai that cleaned up well. I want to see more now

  2. That is absolutely fabulous!! The things people will throw away!!!
    I also love to read about curbside finds, and pick up anything I like.
    Tell WD it's OK...and ask him: If he saw a box with a PlayStation and games inside, would he leave it, or pick it up to check it out?? Curbside treasures are in the eye of the beholder... :)

  3. Great find! I love finding free treasures curb-side. Though I too would have been mortified as a kiddo- ha.

    KK @

  4. Great find! Looks like a fun picnic is in your future!

  5. I think curb finds are the best! That picnic basket is cool...I like it! Way to go :)

  6. That was sooo funny, 14 is an age when my son did not even want people to know he had a Mom LOL. He's 29 now and we'll be out driving and he'll say "Stop the car" It all will change. Yes, I would have stopped


  7. Oh I think this was a great find! And it looks to be almost as good as new =)

    So you embarrassed WD - it won't be the last time right? =)

  8. Oh what an awesome find!! I agree it looks so new.

  9. Hey, WD, your mom is cool! One man's trash is another man's treasure. Great find!

  10. Sweet score!! I LOVE to garbage pick...but I usually have to do it by myself as my husband is just as embarrassed as your son!!

  11. Yep, I agree those are some of my favs too. Very good one indeed!

  12. It definitely was worth stopping for. Teenagers are easily mortified :-). This is my first visit to your blog. I arrived here by accident. While here, I took some time to browse through your earlier entries. I'm so glad I did that. You've created a wonderful spot for your readers to visit and I really enjoyed the time I spent here. I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  13. Great curbside pickup! Oh yes, I am definitely a dumpster diver and curbside picker! I am always amazed at the things people just toss out instead of donating. Some of favortie thrift finds have been freebies! Thank you for joining TTF and have a great weekend!

  14. that is a fabulous curbside find! i can't believe it was there in the first place, quite honestly, but good for you. the same thing happens to me usually-i see something, but am running late, or it's on a main road so i can't just stop and jump out and get it. ugh!

  15. nothing wrong with a little trash-pickin'...i'm a fan of a freebie! love this scored a treasure...thanks for linking up to fridays unfolded!

    stuff and nonsense

  16. just found your blog via cindy @ my romantic home don't worry about it i too am a glorified curb shopper! my kids used to feel the same way when we would go on what i call night time "junk jaunts" a.k.a. curb shopping well ok really some might say garbage picking on trash night in the neighborhood! lol my house is decorated with mainly curbed finds and i mean big old buffets hutches old windows etc even great furniture!! as the old saying goes " one mans junk is this womans treasure" ok so not quite like that but you get it! good score and insulated too!!!!

  17. Oh yes; I would pull over, park fast, grab and get. Love that basket. (kids don't understand until they are parents themselves;) have a great weekend. (note: it is our job as parents to keep our kids humble or embarressed on a regular basis).


    The Joyful thrifter

  19. Oh awesome find. I cant believe anyone would throw that out!!! I can remember being mortified by my parents having garage sales and going to thrift stores. Now iI can't think of anything I'd rather do!

  20. Lucky you. I'm still waiting for this summers curbside treasure.


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