
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

HomeGoods - Love that Place

I came back from my camping trip to find a package waiting for me, and opened it to find this:
Woohoo!  I had recently won a HomeGoods giveaway from Petie at Inspired Nesting.  I was super excited because you all know how much I love shopping at HomeGoods, but to find it packaged up with the hand made soap was a special treat!  It smells so good!  Petie is a relatively new blogger and was celebrating reaching 200 followers with this giveaway.  Her blog is full of beautiful, inspirational photos as well as some household projects and thrifty finds.

I couldn't wait to run out to HomeGoods, and on my latest trip this is what I came back with.
I love this tiered dessert stand.  You all know that I have a penchant for the sweet treats, and it's always nice to be able to display them well.  The tart pan was only $2!  It had to come home with me, and I've been looking for a grill wok ever since Deva showed off hers in this post.  Everything is so well priced that I still have about half the amount left on my giftcard.

Thanks for popping in and checking out my good fortune.


  1. So sweet and what a great thing to come home to.

  2. I LOVE Home Goods--it's one of my favorite stores! Great finds by the what you got! ;)

  3. Lucky you to win and then to find such good deals.

  4. Yay! Glad you're getting more than one shopping trip out of the GC :) Love that tiered dessert tray.

  5. Wow.....Yes, Home Goods is one of the best places to shop evere! Lucky you to get to shop for free!



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