
Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Debbie over at Debbiedoos is having a pet party, and I thought I'd join in.  You all met our baby girl, Socks, back when Debbie held her first pet party.  Besides Socks, I don't really have any other pets to introduce you to other than our fish that just won't die.  Outside our house, though we do have some new friends.

Do you see her?  Hiding behind the flowers?

I put this little basket filled with silk blooms outside to dress up our front door area a couple of weeks ago for Easter.  It's still cold here, and nothing's blooming yet, so I thought a little Spring color by the door would be nice.

A house finch decided that it was the perfect spot for her to make her nest.  Every few days, I'd come home and find some of those purple flowers discarded in the front garden.  She needed a bit more room.

Even with the constant comings and goings through that front door, she felt like this was the perfect spot to start a family.  5 perfect little eggs.

She's become accustomed to the front door opening, and will only fly off now when the storm door is opened(it's a bit noisy.)  Does anyone know if finches come back every year?  Our robins do.  Each year they come back and lay eggs in this nest.

It's still a bit cold for them, so they haven't arrived yet.  We definitely consider our robins pets as they've been coming back for the last 8 yrs.  Socks, on the other hand, would love to call them dinner.  She spends hours in the garden window watching them.

Thanks for popping in and checking out our unconventional "pets."


  1. That is beautiful! Amazing really. Thanks for sharing with the pet party, I love it, and so does Lucy!

  2. The flowers by the front door are beautiful and so welcoming. How fun that you have the nests. My daughter is afraid of birds and it would freak her out. I love it that you will have chicks soon...hopefully :)

  3. That is so cute! I don't know whether they come back or not...

    You know, you could totally frame that photo with the eggs. Lovely!

  4. I would want to make my nest there too all nestled in those beautiful flowers. I am your newest follower I hope you will return the favor.

    Susie at Puddle Jumper Creations

  5. How adorable and fabulous! Thank you for the lovely pictures.


  6. I love the color of bird of nature's little gifts to us!!! Have a beautiful day!!!

  7. That's so cool! I'm glad you caught it in pictures!

  8. Love the cute little blue eggs. We had a duck nest in our garden one year. Can't believe they are so close to humans.

  9. I linked up to it too! How fun :)
    Your post was so cute....those little eggs are just so neat!

  10. Your picture of the eggs is beautiful.


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