
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Keeping It Real

I'm a decor mag junkie.  I love sitting in the Barnes & Noble cafe with a venti coffee and a big pile of magazines.  When I began blog reading, a whole new avenue for beautiful images opened up to me.  While doing my morning click around I came across a new to me blog. Herz-Allerliebst.  (Thanks Google Translate!)  Page after page of gorgeous images and yummy looking recipes.  Images like this one.

I love everything about this photo.  I love the sofa with fluffy white pillows snugged up to the white painted table with the gorgeous vignette. 

But lets get real.  I have boys.  Rambunctious, destructive boys.  That gorgeous tall, footed, crystal server would last about 30 seconds before SB went crashing into it because WD wolloped him across the temple with one of those no longer white pillows.

In the midst of prepping for a small get-together yesterday, I heard the all too familiar sound of breaking glass.

I'd like to say that was an anomaly, but earlier that day CG was super gluing my Easter egg cookie jar back together.

So as much as I adore that image from above, we live in a house of pattern, color, and stained wood.  I make a conscious decision to buy glass items with wide bases that are tough to knock over.  Obviously this isn't a fool-proof plan, but that green glass vase was 7-8 yrs old vs the 30 seconds that it would have lasted with a smaller base.

Check out my soapstone counters.  They've developed a patina of fine scratches that add to the beauty of the stone tops.  I routinely have several titanium stick wielding teenaged boys running through this house.  My counters were going to take some abuse.  I'm glad that they handle it so well.

For those who can do dreamy floaty whites, keep posting pics, but I'm keeping it real here with color and pattern.

Thanks for popping in and checking out how we keep it real.  I'm linking this up at Not Just a Housewife's Get Real Party.   Don't forget to come back Thursday for my Before Blogging Throwback Thursdays party.  Can you believe it's already the 3rd Thursday?  April's flying by. 


  1. LOL! Yeah! I love that pic as prints from a muddy paw that didn't quite get wiped or the tail of an excited pup would make quick work of all the pretties on the table....and don't even get me started on the natural disaster that comes from the children in action! I love your reality!

  2. From one Mom of boys to another Cheers girl! I so get it. That is why I keep things on the rustic side around here. No crystal for us.

  3. I love your post..its warm,cozy and very blog is a nice place.

  4. This was such a cute post! Sounds like never a dull moment at your house!

  5. Your soapstone looks great! Sorry about all your broken items :( My house is covered in footprints, but they wipe clean.

  6. So glad you mentioned what I think of as "the white thing." I often wonder how many in help some of those people have to keep things clean. It is gorgeous though -- great photo you found. But I like "well worn," for sure. Old, older and oldest is my motto. And yes, things break but that's ok. Nothing is irreplaceable except the boy. Fun seeing you each week. Happy Easter. Jane

  7. I'm a mom to boys too so totally get it. I have a couple of spaces where the boys don't go, like my comforter where I've used white. I'd like more but will not have it until I get a house with a separate living area or my boys grow up a little more. But that's ok by me. I'll trade white for loud, rambunctious and rowdy any day! It's a fun messy life.

  8. I LOVE LOVE LOVE white decor. I don't have a hubby or kids yet and am not thrilled about having to give up my white decor one day! But you are right- gotta keep it real!

  9. My little guy isn't running around quite yet... Thanks for letting me know what to expect in the coming years!

  10. I'm a magazine junkie, too. I relate to this much.

  11. I have 4 boys and I too hear breaking glass too often. I would love a white room but that will never happen :)

  12. I can absolutely relate to this! My version of that white room would have drawings, markers, and legos strewn across the table. So much color. So little time (to declutter).

  13. Yeah... I'm learning the same lesson, and I only have dogs! Plus, I'm a wee bit clumsy myself.

  14. Love the picture....white, I can see it at my house....needing to be off limits!!! Sorry about the sure is a great color of green!

  15. I think it would be so heavenly to sit in Barnes and Noble with you and flip through mags and drink coffee. I brought back from Paris a bunch of design mags...had 9.5 hours on the plane to read them. Love the M in the first photo...and everything else.


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