
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Let There Be Light

I'd been searching for the perfect light fixture for my foyer closet for quite some time.  Everything that struck my fancy cost way too much for me to stomach.  So I decided to DIY a fixture.  I looked around for inspiration, and saw this adorable lamp used in Simone's girl's room on Episode 6 of this season's Sarah 101.

It was perfect.  Whimsical & fun & completely practical, because letting light through trumps any other consideration in a closet.  Here's how I set about making my own.  Remember this sneak peek I gave you a couple of weeks ago?

Marianne at Vintage Gal guessed right.  These were supplies for a light.  I think the electrical tape gave it away.  You won't see any closeups of the actual wiring, because I'm not an electrician and I don't want to be liable if you burn your house down.

I've had this wire basket for ages.  It's been sitting in the back of one of my closets for at least a few years.  This project was the perfect way to give it new life.  I brushed on some turquoise paint.  I wasn't real careful with it, because I wanted it to look a bit weathered.

I used heavy wire cutters to cut out the bottom of the basket for the light fixture.

I pulled down the existing bare bulb light fixture, and primed and painted it as well as a 6 1/2 inch wood plaque that I picked up at A.C. Moore for $1.25.  I then marked where to drill holes for the screws,

and drilled through where I marked.

I used a 2 1/4" hole saw to cut a hole in the middle for the wiring.  Disclaimer:  I'm not an electrician, and wood should probably be lined with metal or not used at all this close to wiring.

Here's proof that I'm not a professional.  I accidentally let go of the wood while pulling the hole saw out and the wood spinning at a gazillion rpm slammed into my bare legs and gashed both of them.  It's a good thing Whirling Dervish was taking pictures, not video, because there was some swearing(from him) as I reassured him that everything was fine.  He said I was crazy and he was done taking pics.
Ignore the unshaven alligatory state of my legs.  Everything really was fine, and it didn't hurt at all, although this morning when the hot water hit my legs, they were on fiyah.

I used a 2 part epoxy to attach the basket to the wood plaque.  Epoxy will hold stronger than any glue so there's no risk of this basket falling off and clocking an unsuspecting guest.  If you've never used epoxy, you squeeze out the same amt of each part, and mix it together.  Mixing the 2 parts together creates a thermogenic chemical reaction which will quickly harden to a nearly unbreakable bond.  So you should only mix up small amounts and work fast.  No pictures of the mixing or applying, because I had to work fast, and my picture taker decided hanging around me was to risky.

Before it was just a bare bulb.  I had to run out and get longer screws to make up for the added depth of the base, but here's the after.  Not bad for less than $3.

And just keeping it real, here's the scary before of the closet.  You couldn't even step in without stepping on shoes.

And the pretty after.  Check out the fabric wallpaper, and covered shoe boxes here.

Underneath all those shoe racks are my boots.  I love my wellies.  Could there be any better boots for me than Pink ones covered in shoes?  If you're wondering how the tall ones stand up, I roll old magazines and tuck them inside.

Thanks for popping in and DIYing with me.  I'm linking this up to Nester's Risk Day Party, Just a Girl's Show & Share Day, and Somewhat Simple's Strut Your Stuff Party and the parties below.

Domestically SpeakingBeyond The Picket FenceWallet-Friendly WednesdayChic on a Shoestring DecoratingFunky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. I love the concept of your blog! ohmygosh and your new light fixture is awesome!!! LOVE the color!

    how is your leg feeling? owch!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  2. OH my that is so cute! Very clever, and you did great with the color choices!

  3. Great idea. Love the new light fixture. Thanks for sharing at the Winter Blues Wednesday party.

  4. Very creative idea!

    Sorry about your leg! It looks like that did hurt a bit....


  5. This is soooo great! I just love it and think you were so clever and truly did a fantastic job...minus the injury! :-) Thanks so much for linking your creative self up to our Inspiration Friday party this week~

  6. This is so cool! I love hos simple it was and it really packed a punch! Thanks for the tips (and I hope your leg is healing quickly). :)

  7. What a great job you did ... owies and all !
    It looks wonderful.
    Happy Pink your Wellies.

  8. What a great idea...this is beautiful and very creative too :)

  9. OUCH ! Glad to see you survived, that had to hurt !!!!

    The light looks awesome and I'm quite partial to those adorable pink Wellies !

    Happy Pink Saturday,

  10. Welcome to your first Pink Saturday. I am so glad you joined us, and I hope you will continue. I clicked to follow your blog, and I invite you to follow mine, too.

    Great job, and I love your pink Wellies.♥

  11. Happy sweet and sugary Pink Saturday...God Bless you and keep you this week...

  12. I love this light! Great idea!

  13. Ouchie! But well worth the pain ;) CUTE!!


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