
Friday, March 25, 2011

For Me?

Yesterday Snuggle Bunny woke up with a fever.  So after the requisite call to the school, and several calls to fill my volunteer slot for the book Fair, I settled into a much simplified day.  Albeit one filled with ibuprofen, and a bored child.  The last day of the Book Fair is always B1G1 day, and therefore the busiest.  SB getting sick kept me from that craziness, plus knocked one practice off my afternoon schedule.  Still I did the typical driving in circles thing to get Whirling Dervish to and from both his practices, and what did I find when I got home?

2, count 'em, 2 packages.  Yay!

The first was from Laura at Decor to Adore for winning in the Best Baubles category in her recent Royal Wedding What to Wear linkup.  You may have noticed the "Queen" notice in my sidebar.  I received a chocolate toffee bar(Yum!) some English Lavendar soap, a lovely gold flecked Bavarian dish, a sachet, a rhinestone brooch, and a lovely vintage hankie.  Laura is auctioning some vintage french linens right now, so if you'd love to get your hands on some go check it out.

The second was a print from Kat at Low Tide, High Style.  Kat's photography is just stunningly, beautiful, and her prose is equally so.  She has received so much notice for her photography that she has started selling notecards, as well as prints.  Check out her Etsy store.  I can't wait to get my print matted and framed.  I think this harbor shot will look right at home up at the cottage.

And I won one more prize from Alison at The Polohouse.  If you love Ralph Lauren equestrian style decor, boy does she have some eye candy for you.  She gave me the Liebster Blog Award.  It is an award especially for blogs with less than 300 followers.  Once awarded, you get to give it out to other blogs you love with less than 300 followers.

So here's my nominations:
Domestiphobia - Love Kate's acerbic wit, she's one of the best writer's around.
Beauty 4 Ashes - Ellie is a Mommy Blogger who does it All.
Sabjimata - Deva cranks out unbelievable Vegan Goodies, all with a Baby on her chest.
Cottage & Vine - Rene shares gorgeous Decor pics of both her home, and others.
Kitchen & Residential Design - Paul shares all the newest, latest & greatest in Design - and you guys know I love me some good kitchen porn.

Thanks for popping in and opening up my packages with me.  Now go check out the sites I linked.


  1. I hope your little guy is feeling much better.

    PS--I ♥ your blog, and I just became your newest follower...woohooo!

    Can't wait to come back again and visit :)

  2. I'm so pleased to accept this award highlighting my mediocrity! I'd like to thank the "little people" (of which, there are way - way - less than 300) who read my blog on a regular basis for some strange reason.

    (Seriously, though - thank you. That was really sweet.) :)

  3. You're so cool! Thanks for the award--I really don't do it all though!

  4. Congratulations to you on your award! Thanks so much for passing it on to me! I'm honored!


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