
Friday, March 11, 2011

Ch Ch Ch Changes

 I thought it was about time to update the look of my blog, but I wanted my readers to still be able to recognize it, so my  background is the same, but I've got a new header.  One of the blogging tips that I've read is to not have a header that's too big.  It shouldn't take up the entire page "above the fold."  Readers shouldn't have to scroll to read the first chunk of your blog posts or see your first pic.   That was something I needed to change.  My previous header was very big.

Most people use Photoshop, but Computer Genius likes Ulead's PhotoImpact.  He can do some amazing things with it like these photo collages that he makes for WD's teammates. 

I could have had CG create my new header for me, but he's been taking a class all week on some new reporting software, and between that and work, he hasn't had much spare time.  And that spare time shouldn't be spent in front of the computer working on my little hobby.  So I tackled the header myself.  I decided I wanted it to be a mosaic of pics.  As a nod to my blog title, both boys needed to be featured with a stick in their hands, as well as some stuff from my kitchen.  I have literally thousands of pics of the boys playing lacrosse.  It was hard to choose just one of each.

 Photo editing software isn't my strong suit, so I literally spent all morning creating the new header.  Let me know what you think.  I'm sharing my new mosaic header at Little Red House's Mosaic Monday.


  1. Looks really great!!!

    And now that you've added the Amazon search box, I can click through your blog when I order...Since we can't patronize our own blogs. At first I thought I could be my own best customer! ;-) But, alas, not.

  2. Great work! I just changed my header as well - I actually simplified mine a LOT. I think you did a fantastic job with the collage - I love the geometric shapes and the colors are perfect!

  3. I think it looks great! I'm right there with you. It would have taken me way too long.


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