
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Peanut Butter Brownies

This weekend is the last of the varsity wrestling season(except for those boys who will make it to the state meet.)  Wrestlers often struggle to remain in their weight divisions.  In support of them, I've been making super healthy treats like my protein, fiber, and vitamin packed Sweet Potato Chocolate Chip Muffins.  This morning is the last weigh-in for the majority of the wrestlers on Whirling Dervish's team.  So bring on the fatty treats.  I made Peanut Butter Brownies on request from one of WD's teammates to bring along to the final day of this 2 day meet.

Just now while typing up this post I realized that I haven't ever posted a classic brownie recipe.  Crazy.  I didn't take any pics of the first part of this recipe, because I assumed that I had already posted classic brownies and could link to it, but you can use your favorite brownie recipe, whether it's Betty Crocker, Bob's Red Mill or your Grammy's favorite brownie recipe.  Mix it up like you were going to make a classic fudgie brownie.  I promise I'll post my gf classic brownie recipe soon with pictures.

After mixing up a classic brownie, I add in 1 cup of peanut butter chips.

I evenly spread half of the brownie mix in a parchment lined 9 x 13 pan.

In a medium mixing bowl, cream together 6oz of cream cheese, 2/3 cup of peanut butter, and 3 tbsps of sweetened condensed milk.  I used creamy peanut butter, but crunchy would be fine, too.

The peanut butter mixture will be quite thick.  Do not just dump it out of the bowl onto the brownie layer.  It won't spread evenly and you'll end up with just a thin layer of peanut butter on the edge brownies and not much of a bottom brownie layer on the middle brownies.  Drop spoonfuls across the brownie layer. 

Gently spread out the peanut butter layer until it covers the whole pan.
Spread the reserved half of brownie batter.

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.  Let cool before slicing.  You should end up with layers of the perfect chocolatey peanut butter treat.

Thanks for popping in and baking with me.  I'm linking this up to Just a Girl's Show & Share Day and Seaside Simplicity's Valentine's Party, and Gluten-Free Homemaker's Gluten-Free Wednesdays.


  1. Are you kidding me? Peanut butter and brownies in the same scrumptious bite, my favorite combo! I AM MAKING THIS! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yum-o! I must try those soon!

    KK @

  3. Those look delicious and dangerous! Yum! Thanks for you comment!

  4. This is insane...I would eat the entire pan!

  5. Oh yum, there is nothing better than peanut butter and chocolate, nothing!

  6. Oh, my...Those look amazing.

    Our wrestlers (Prince Steadfast, another close friend of Pr Sassy, and the son of dear friends) are all moving onto the state match next weekend. I'm excited to go with Princess Sassy to watch! Then, afterward, when the boys come over they will finally really EAT.

  7. My husband would LOVE for me to make these! Think I'll surprise him! Thanks for the recipe!

  8. Peanut Butter and Chocolate is the best combo! Thanks so much for linking to Saturday Swap with this great recipe.

  9. I love peanut butter and chocolate. These look delicious!

  10. YUMMY! Thanks so much for linking up to the Valentine's Party. Have a great weekend! :-)

  11. These brownies look so delish! Thanks for sharing.

    By the way, we have a Swap Followings Linky Party going on right now where you get to meet excellent bloggers and increase your followers in the process. It's easy to join - just whip up a post and include the party button in the post then link up and start following other bloggers in the party so they can follow you, too. I'll be honored if you party with us at See you there :)


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