
Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope everyone is enjoying a Happy Valentine's Day, whether it's with your sweetheart, your kids, your parents, or your friends
Snuuggle Bunny & his sweatheart/best friend the Princess
 I'm a big believer in handmade Valentines.  Way back when Computer Genius and I first started dating, I let him know that he didn't need to buy me an extravagant gift.  All he needed to do was make me a Valentine.  I just like knowing that he spent an hour with paper, scissors, and glue thinking about me.  So every year he makes me a Valentine and buys me the perfect thing.   He's pretty awesome.
And every year I make him a handmade Valentine.  For this year's Valentine, I assembled scrapbook paper, a doily,

and 6 inches of clearanced rickrack type ribbon.

I usedglue dots lines to attach the ribbon to the Valentine.  I love using glue dots in crafting, and the lines are the perfect thing for holding strips of ribbons.

I cut out some of the floral rosettes from the doily,

and placed them on top of the ribbon flower stems.  Here's this year's simple sweet floral Valentine.

Inside there's a quote from Henry David Thoreau and some mushy stuff from me for CG's eyes only.

What are your Valentine's traditions?  Do you always get flowers, or go for a special dinner?  Or do you insist on handmade cards, too?

Thanks for popping in and crafting with me.  Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!


  1. really, really, pretty! Love that your sweetheart makes you a valentine - I get flowers :)

  2. Those are really pretty. Please stop by my blog today. I have an award for you.

  3. Happy Valentine's Day! :)

    I'll give a handmade card too. I don't get handmade in return but I'm enjoying my chocolates and tulips and curiosity about the gift he's been trying to give me for the past week is getting to me. I'll find out tonight! :)


  4. So cute! You have the best ideas! Handmade is always the most thoughtful!

  5. I think this is a wonderful tradition. It's so easy to go pick one out at the store, but there's something so special about taking the time to do it yourself. Thanks for sharing...hope you're having a Happy Valentine's Day.

  6. What a great idea! I never would have thought to look at a paper dollie for inspiration!!! Thanks for sharing :D XOXO ~ Carrie

  7. What a darling tradition!

    What a cute picture of the kidlets too :)


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