
Friday, January 28, 2011

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

When I tell people what it is we don't eat on a gluten-free diet, I always explain it this way, "All the things that you might make a beer out of - Wheat, Barley, Rye, and Oats."  But the fact of the matter is that oats in and of themselves do not have the protein gluten, it's their proximity in the fields to all those other glutenous grains that makes them on the "no" list.  So those of us adhering to a gluten-free lifestyle need to search out gmo-certified gluten-free oats like these ones from Bob's Red Mill.
Today I made Oatmeal Raisin Cookies using some of these gluten-free oats.  Whirling Dervish happened to be passing by the kitchen as I was pulling these out of the oven, and immediately asked, "Are those oatmeal raisin?" with his hand hovering over the cookie tray.  He waited for me to respond that they were gf before grabbing a few.  He gave them the thumbs up.
I started by creaming together 1 stick of butter with 3/4 cup turbinado sugar and 1/2 cup agave nectar.

To this I added 2 eggs and 2 tsps vanilla.  I know it looks a little gross, but trust me it'll all come together.
In a separate bowl I whisked together 2/3 cup potato starch, 1/2 cup tapioca flour, 1/2 almond flour, 1/4 cup sorghum flour, 1 1/2 tsps xanthan gum, 1 1/2 tsps cinnamon, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1/2 tsp nutmeg, and 1/2 tsp salt.
I beat the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients in the mixer bowl.
I then added 2 1/2 cups oats, 1 cup raisins, 1/2 cup chopped dates, and 1/2 cup chopped walnuts and mixed until combined.
I dropped rounded spoonfuls onto a parchment lined cookie sheet and baked them at 375 for 15 minutes.
They spread out a bit in the oven.

Thanks for popping in and baking with me.  Check out the other fun recipes at Tiny Skillet's Tailgating Time.


  1. They look yummy! Oatmeal raisin are my favorite.

  2. Bob's makes the best oatmeal on the planet!

  3. Looks yummy!!~ I just gave you a little shout out, come and grab a button if you like:) Have good weekend...see you tomorrow night for the link up party!

  4. They look yummy ~ stop on by ~ the stylish blogger award is coming your way ;-)

  5. That's my favorite cookie! They look yummy! ♥

  6. Yummy! Thanks so much for linking up to our Tailgating Time. Hope to see you for the final Tailgating Time Super Bowl party tomorrow :-)


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