
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

1st Day of School

Today is the 1st day of school for our boys.  The supplies were organized, children scrubbed, tags taken off of new clothes and shoes, lunches packed and maple bacon pancakes made and scarfed down.  If you're wondering what possessed me to add crumbled bacon to pancake batter, it'd be this incredibly yummy posting from SteakNPotatoesKindaGurl.

I made the mistake of telling Whirling Dervish that he looked sharp this morning.  That sent him into surly teendom, and I wasn't allowed to take pics of him this morning.  I did get a pic of his shoes, though.  Nothing like squeaky clean, brand new shoes on the first day of school.

Snuggle Bunny's light-up Skechers were bagged up, because he didn't want them to get wet.

He wore his froggy boots out in the driving rain.

I don't understand it.  This weekend was steamy hot.  The van's thermometer read over 90 all weekend.

But today for the first day of school, it's cold(mid 60's) and raining cats and dogs.  We're actually under a flood watch.  Boo.

The kids have both been picked up by their buses now, and I'm off for my 1st day of school ritual.  I head off to sit in the Barnes & Noble cafe with a venti coffee,

and a giant pile of decor magazines.  Spending several hours sipping coffee and flipping through design mags without being interrupted by a child's request is my perfect first day of school.

My BFF will not be joining me.  Her 1st day of school ritual involves a thorough cleaning of her home.  After a summer of too many kids using the pool, and running through the house, she spends the day scrubbing and steaming everything in sight.

So how do you handle the first day of school?  Is it snuggled under blankets, crying, while watching videos of your kids' first steps?(not me, I'm that girl dancing in the aisles at Staples)  Pulling out the projects that you just couldn't get to during the summer?  Or is it just another day?

Thanks for popping in and spending the 1st day of school with us.


  1. Today is my 18 year old's first day of his last year of high school and I'm so so so happy not to have his sullen, messy self hanging around the house! When I'm not crying that he's 18 now....

  2. The pancakes and bacon look so good...MMMM!

    I hope today is nice and relaxing...and you enjoy that cup o' coffee and all your fun magazines!

  3. What a cute post, I really enjoyed it. My first day is spent at the elementary school's clinic...because that's where I work. My daughter is in high school now, but I have worked here at the school since she was in pre school. I like how you shared your first day with us!

  4. I love this post! First day of school os always so bitter sweet!

  5. Just found your blog--our first day of school I forgot to take pictures until the kids came HOME. I must be getting too used this stuff...

  6. What a lovely ritual! I could deal with a day of no questions! Too bad about the rain. Hope all went well for your boys!

  7. Yay to a successful first day! Thanks for the shout out... glad they liked the bacon pancakes :) Love his little froggy rainboots! I want some :) And a morning at a Barnes and Nobles sipping coffee and reading mags sounds like the perfect day!


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